Click this button to sign up or to edit your account. We recommend giving monthly. If using a credit card, please check the box to pay for the processing fee. Thank you.
If you wish to receive offertory envelopes in the mail, please call the parish office at (410) 792-0470.
You can support the parish by stocks contributions, a charitable distribution from your IRA, a distribution from donor-advised funds, and through estate planning and wills. For information, please call the parish office at (410) 792-0470.
St. Francis Parish decided to simplify our offertory collection process by reducing it to two funds. We now have a “Church Offertory” fund and a “Mission Support” fund. The “Church Offertory” fund supports all the expenses of the parish, including our day-to-day operations. The “Mission Support” fund supports all of the charitable agencies outside of the parish that we assist. Please note, the finances of St. Francis Parish are kept separate from the finances at St. Louis Parish.
Ultimately, it is up to each family to decide. The parish suggests giving 90% of your total contribution to “Church Offertory” and 10% to “Mission Support”. These percentages roughly match the giving patterns of our parishioners in the past few years. In order to have a strong charitable outreach, we need to have a strong parish to support the outreach!
Yes. If people give money to the Poor Box in church it will be added to the “Mission Support” fund. Also, on certain weekends we will designate the poor box for specific charities (such as the annual Thanksgiving food collection for the St. Benedict Outreach Center in Baltimore).
Three types of charities are supported. First, are the traditional Archdiocesan second collections throughout the year (such as Retired Priests, Catholic Schools, Seminarians, Catholic Relief Services, etc.). Second, are charities selected by the parish’s Outreach Committee and pastor (such as the Grassroots homeless shelter and the Columbia Pregnancy Center). Third, are families-in-need who contact our parish.
Our parish’s annual Haiti Collection and the Archdiocese of Baltimore Annual Appeal are separate fundraising events and have their own funds. We will continue to take up these two collections each year. Additionally, some parish organizations hold fundraisers periodically to support their own needs, such as the parish Youth Ministry and the Knights of Columbus.
There is a joint Outreach Committee comprised of parishioners from the two parishes in our pastorate. The Committee is overseen by one of our priests. The St. Francis members of the Committee will determine what charities our parish supports and what amounts we give.
We also plan to support the monthly Archdiocesan second collections at the same level as last year. In this way we will respect the intent of our parishioners.
No, but you can donate to any charity separately from our parish’s process if desired.
The charities supported each month will be published in the bulletin during the subsequent month.
Flowers are paid for from the Church Offertory fund. Parishioners are welcome to make a donation for Christmas and Easter flowers, in memory of or in honor of a loved one. Similarly, parishioners are welcome to make a donation throughout the year to have a Mass offered for a loved one, living or deceased.
If you have additional questions regarding Online Giving, please contact our Director of Operations: