Thank you for your interest in our ministries at St. Francis! Click on an entry to learn more about it. We're so glad you're here!
St. Francis of Assisi holds an Annual Christmas Bazaar at the beginning of November. This is a great one-time volunteer opportunity to support your church financially. Free admission, kids' activities, Grand Raffle, Silent Auction, photos with Santa, gourmet coffee shop, Basket of Cheer, fantastic craft vendors, and MORE!
For more information about our Faith Formation programming please visit our page by clicking HERE.
For more information about our Faith Formation programming please visit our page by clicking HERE.
The Music Ministers at St. Francis provide leadership at our weekend celebrations as well as providing prayerful meditations for reflection. All liturgies are accompanied by piano. Music selections range from traditional hymns to contemporary pieces. Click here if you are interested in joining any of our wonderful groups!
The Usher has the task of greeting God’s people as they assemble for prayer and helping all in attendance to feel welcome.
Any student in Grade 4 or above are invited to assist the priest and deacon with grace and reverence in the sanctuary.
The lector, or minister of the word, is the one who proclaims the scripture readings to the assembled faith community.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are those who distribute the body and blood of Christ either during the liturgy or outside of the eucharistic celebration to those who have been unable to attend.
Get involved in parish service projects for local social service organizations and our sister parish, St. Benedict, in Baltimore. Click HERE to see our current projects.
Looking for resources to strengthen and deepen your marriage? Find out more here!
Surviving Divorce: Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family
Exodus 90 is a men’s spiritual program which combines prayer, sacrifices, and fraternity in order to help men find freedom to be better husbands, fathers, and men for others. The program involves weekly meetings which are usually held at St. Francis. The full Exodus 90 runs for the 90 days before Easter. Men from our pastorate often organize shorter and less intense versions of the program at other times of year. See updates on the St. Louis website:
Kingdom Builders inspires women to discover their unique design through laughter, learning, and love of the Father, revealing their path to peace and joy. Women gather each month for 90 minutes to hear a sound Teaching that is relevant and applicable to any woman’s life. The Teachings are humorous, deep and inspiring with real-life applications for living the faith. Teachings are followed by a time to love and be loved by Jesus during Adoration, including praise and planning. Kingdom Builders encourages women to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit to set goals for physical health, family dynamics, holy friendships, strong marriages and more. These are ALL part of what St. John Paul II referred to as our Feminine Genius. This is an invitation for God’s beloved daughters to take the time to be loved and transformed by their Heavenly Father.
ACTS is an acronym for Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. The goals of an ACTS retreat are to strengthen our faith, to renew ourselves spiritually and to build lasting friendships. Laywomen present the ACTS retreat and clergy provide support and oversight. Women age 18 or older are invited to attend.
ACTS is an acronym for Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. The goals of an ACTS retreat are to strengthen our faith, to renew ourselves spiritually and to build lasting friendships. Laymen present the ACTS retreat and clergy provide support and oversight. Men age 18 or older are invited to attend.
Connect with other retirees in the parish through social and outreach activities.
Would you like to be part of the growing St. Francis of Assisi Knights of Columbus council? We invite all adult men of the parish to join. Click here view our website.
Pray weekly for prayer intentions requested at the parish and online.
Make or write cards to be mailed to parishioners going through a difficult time.
Visit a nursing home, assisted living, or hospital twice a month to bring communion to residents and patients.
Get involved with our parish Respect Life Committee.
40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families. It puts into action a desire to cooperate with God in the carrying out of His plan for the end of abortion. Click to access a video and more information on 40 Days for Life.