Parish Life

The heart of a parish is the Eucharist, but the parish family is the body that makes it a unique and vibrant community with an exciting parish life. St. Francis Parish offers many ways to be part of that communal family in addition to the celebration of the sacraments.

Faith Formation is essential element in growing with Christ and His Church. Deeper knowledge & understanding can lead to a more intimate relationship with God, the Church, our family, friends, neighbors, parish, and community. And the best news is, faith formation is for all of us not just children in religious ed! Learn more about how our parish is forming others here:

Children & Youth Formation

Adult Formation

We also have opportunities for active ministry. You can explore our internal ministries such as becoming a lector, altar server, Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, helping with youth ministry, men's and women's groups, and the Annual Christmas Bazaar; or, you can look into our external ministries for outreach & service such as visiting the homebound, serving the poor, helping at St. Benedict's Neighborhood Center in Baltimore, Grassroots in Howard County and more--just choose whatever you're interested in or feel called to! You are needed!

God calls us to use our gifts and talents to glorify Him and make life better for other people. Please prayerfully consider these opportunities for getting involved in ministry. And if you have an idea for a new parish ministry, please contact us.

With so many ways to be part of parish life, stay informed by reading the weekly bulletin and joining our digital Flocknote (learn how to sign up here on the homepage). You can also check the parish calendar for an updated list of events and Mass schedules.

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