To make a good marriage better or repair a hurt marriage, two parishioners at St. Louis are counselors:
Rebecca Lee through St. Jerome's Parish
Barbara Currano at
We host events for younger couples at St. Francis and St. Louis--married 20 years or less. Have fun, deepen your love, and make friends!
Join our email list by contacting David and Vanessa Huff:
Check out this Examination for Married Couples:
A website with good articles, blogs, and videos such as "25 Ways to Fight Fair" and "10 Pointers for Prayer".
NFP is an approved and healthy method of family planning. The Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms this: "Periodic continence, that is, the methods of birth regulation based on self-observation and the use of infertile periods, is in conformit with the objective vriteria of morality." (CCC 2370).
Discover NFP with these resources:
NFP course at St. Louis - contact Maureen Boucher at
Check out the Couple to Couple League for further help.
The Archdiocese of Baltimore has resources to support and strengthen marriages and to support families.
Marriage Encounter Retreats: Contact Ray and Dawn Glennon at
Retrouvaille Retreats: For marriages experiencing difficulties
"Beloved" by the Augustine Institute: a 6 part video series on the goodness and beauty of marriage. Can be watched on website
"Better Together" by Dynamic Catholic: a 12 part video series to prepare for marriage or to renew your marriage.